Welcome to NexusThe best solution for your CareerNexus is an International Student Recruitment OrganizationWe Serve universities in USA, UK, Australia,
New Zealand, Canada, Europe, etc -
Study Abroad16 years of Vast ExperienceStudy in USAStudy in UKStudy in AustraliaStudy in New ZealandStudy in IrelandStudy in CanadaStudy in SingaporeStudy in GermanyStudy in France
Let's Get StartedStart exploring your options with Nexus.
Nexus has professionals who have versatile qualifications and experience to suggest right career options and also provide necessary inputs on the opportunities, scope and prospects.

We understand the challenges faced by those aspiring to study overseas. Keeping in mind the needs of such students, we have designed our services to help proposed solutions that work.

Foundations/Trusts and Organizations offer different types of scholarships and grants for Indian students who wish to study abroad. We will find more than 800 different institutions which suit your requirement.

Here is your opportunity to meet with the officials from overseas institutions directly. To enroll for an interview session, please get in touch with our team to get updates.

Nexus expertise and regular interaction with the admission offices of most universities help us in keeping track with all the aspects. For more details check our news updates.